sama dosha sama agnischa sama dhatu mala kriyaaha|
Prasanna atma indriya manaha swastha iti abhidheeyate
– Sushruta Sanhitha
Rasa Dhatu:
Rasa dhatu refers to the primary waters of the body. The word rasa means sap, juice or liquid. In the physical body, rasa refers directly to the plasma or non-cellular portion of the blood, the lymph and interstitial fluids. As watery secretions, rasa dhatu relates indirectly to breast milk and menstrual fluid.
Rasa is more than fluid, it is nourishment. Sugar and nutrients mix with the plasma and are carried by vyana vayu to all of the tissues of the body. As such, when rasa dhatu is healthy, a person feels satiated. The satisfaction one feels is both physical and psychological.
Salt and sugar are the most important of these nutrients. Salt, in addition to its many physiological functions, helps retain water in the body. Sugar is the primary nutrient of the body. As a result, taking juice is the best way to replenish rasa. Rasa is also replenished through the intake of sap-type fluids such as maple syrup and agave nectar. Thus, herbal teas that are sweetened with these substances are much better than water alone in rebuilding rasa dhatu.
Treatment – Lots of liquid (room temperature), Fruit juices (according to Dosha), Sweet (natural), Milk, Coconut water, a remedy of Jaggery+Dates+Raisins+Hot water.
– Apples
– Apricots
– Figs
– Limes
– Artichokes
– Asparagus
– Steamed Broccoli
– Hot and Spicy Food
– Punarnava
– Kutki
– Chitrak
– Yasti Madhu (licorice)
– Tulsi (Holy Basil)
– Bilva
– Kãñchanāra
– Guggulu
Turmeric is warming in thermal effect, but bitter and astringent in taste and therefore reducing to Pita and Kapha. Its action is anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-fungal. It has affinity with the liver as the root of the haemo-poetic system. Turmeric has both quick action because of affinity with rasa dhatu (plasma), and sustained action because of its affinity with asthi dhatu (bone). It is useful in bacterial infection of the bone, a condition otherwise very difficult to treat. It can be useful for skin rashes, lupus and tumors, etc. It balances blood sugar due to bitter quality, which is insufficiently represented in blood sugar disturbances such as Type II Diabetes.
Trikatu Atirasa / Shatavari
Latin Name / Common name: Asparagus racemosa
Rasa: Madhura, Tikta
Guna: Guru, Snigdha
Virya: Shita
Vipaka: Madhura
Doshic Action: Vata Pitta pacifying
Shatavari renowned as a female tonic for its estrogen promoting action is pacifying to both vata and pitta. Its madhura, tikta rasa and shita virya is pacifying to pitta and vata is pacified by the madhura rasa, guru and snigdha qualities and madhura vipaka. It is a nourishing herb to rasa dhatu observed in its galactagogue action as breast milk is an upadhatu of rasa hence exhibits the quality of rasa in its production.
Latin Name / Common name: Teramnus labialis or Phaseolus mungo
Rasa: Madhura, Tikta
Guna: Laghu, Snigdha
Virya: Shita
Vipaka: Madhura
Doshic Action: Vata Pitta pacifying – Kapha aggravating
Traditionally this herb is considered as an aphrodisiac and as a Rasayana – rejuvenating agent. It is an ingredient in numerous preparations including Chyavanaprasha and Brahma Rasayana. Masaparni’s kapha increasing action nourishes rasa dhatu thus promoting strength and good quality formation of the remaining tissues.
Raktha Dhatu:
In the physical body, rakta refers directly to the blood, specifically the red blood cells, and indirectly to the tendons and the bile.
Rakta dhatu is more than blood. It is the carrier of the fire that invigorates the body and mind. As such, when rakta dhatu is healthy, a person feels energized with a healthy passion for life. When rakta dhatu is in excess, heat in the body increases, the tissues of the body experience inflammation, and the mind experiences greater intensity and sharper focus. When rakta dhatu is deficient, the heat in the body decreases and the tissues of the body become cold and stiff while the mind loses its sharpness and focus.
Diet and Lifestyle:
– – “Pitta- Pacifying Diet” – ex. cream of wheat, beet-carrot juice, spinach, raisins, rhubarb, Black raisins, beetroot, pomegranate.
– Keep Calm and Cool
Herbs to Consider:
– Shatāvarī
– Abhrak
– Loha Bhasma
– Manjishthā
– Gudūchī
– Kutki
– Āmalakī
Mamsa Dhatu:
Mamsa dhatu refers to the muscles of the body, but the term literally means flesh or meat. In the physical body, mamsa dhatu refers directly to the muscles and indirectly to the ligaments and skin,
which are upadhatus formed as the unstable form of rakta dhatu (posaka rakta) is converted to mamsa dhatu.
Mamsa dhatu is more than muscle; it is the provider of strength, courage, fortitude and self-confidence. It is also the vehicle through which we express ourselves. When healthy, our muscles work in a modest fashion to express the needs and desires of the ego, while also available to express the creative inspiration of the Divine.
***bṛhattvaṃ yaccharīrasya janayettacca bṛṃhaṇam| – Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana 22/10
The process of increasing the bulk of the body is called as Brumhan, Brihmana, Brimana.
Diet and herbs for Brimana therapy:
Fresh meat of young animals, fishes and bird meat
Milk, Ghee, Sugar, cheese and other dairy products
Raisins, dry fruits, nuts, beans, pomegranate, Aloe vera
Oils, jaggery, sugarcane, jack fruit
Sweet dishes, rice, wheat
Sweet tasting fruits.
Gambhari fruit – Gmelina arborea
Herbs to consider for “Bruhana Chikitsā”
– Balā
– Vidarī
– Ashvagandhā
– Dashamūla
– Mahāyogarāja Guggulu
– Dashamūla Arishta
– Ashvagandhā Avaleha
Brihmana rasayanas – Ayurvedic medicines useful in improving weight:
Kooshmanda rasayana – Used in bleeding disorders, tuberculosis, in anti aging treatment
Ajamamsa Rasayana – Used in cough, cold, tremors, neurological disorders, Vata imbalance disorders.
Drakshadi Lehyam -used in anemia, liver disorders.
Amruth Jeevan Rasayan – nervine tonic, immunity booster.
Latin Name / Common name: Emblica officinalis, Emblic myrobalan / Indian gooseberry
Rasa: Pancha Rasa; Amla (predominant), Madhura, Katu, Tikta, Kashaya
Guna: Laghu, Ruksha, Shita
Virya: Shita
Vipaka: Madhura
Doshic Action: Tridoshic – More Pitta pacifying
Amalaki is a rejuvenative to the pitta dosha, via its cooling quality and virya, and due to its madhura vipaka. It is also balancing to vata and kapha; vata is balanced by the predominate amla – sour taste and the madhura vipaka and kapha is balanced by the tikta, kashaya taste and the qualities of laghu and ruksha. Its vata pacifying action due amla rasa and madhura vipaka is expressed in the anabolic action as it supports the building and strengthening of tissues countering degeneration associated with aging. It shows an affinity with mamsa dhatu – muscle tissue increasing lean body mass. It is an important ingredient in Chyavanaprasha – the famous restorative and immune building preparation and is one of the three agents in Triphala.
Vidharikand is Wild Yam, a sweet, nourishing root, often called the ‘primary rejuvenator’.
It is warming, anabolic and acts as a progesterone precursor. It is useful in muscle wasting or debility to help re-build strength and endurance. It is helpful to reduce Vata, but may increase Pitta and/or Kapha with longer-term use. It’s helpful in anorexia, underweight and asospermia.
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